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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Driving performance through incremental website testing optimization is often the most effective thing you can do to boost digital results. Our post-click optimization process explores your users’ thought process and employs multivariate testing to drive insights and decisions. Let Big Footprint’s performance measurement become your prioritization logic.



In order to optimize, you have to know what’s working. Performance measurement is our prioritization logic.

Like SEO, Conversion Rate Optimization, more commonly abbreviated as CRO, is both an art and a science that can have a dramatic impact on your bottom line.

Big Footprint’s data-driven website optimization process is focused on understanding your users’ motivations, mindset, and intent. Armed with this information, we examine your website and landing pages to identify areas for improvement in layout, messaging, calls to action, and other elements that affect the conversion funnel.

We like to say we Optimize on BOTH sides of the click, but what does that really mean?

  • Drive better quality traffic to pages built to convert.
  • Focus on multichannel attribution and “assisted conversions” to gain deeper insight into your funnel

Big Footprint’s “Active Optimization Process” will expand your digital footprint and drive results. We adhere to the principles described below:

  1. We go beyond basic metrics and traffic analytics
  2. We don’t focus on visit volume – we focus on quality and conversion
  3. We go beyond channels to attribute conversions
  4. We understand your digital ecosystem (paid+earned+owned)
  5. We employ a multi-dimensional approach to go beyond groundhog keyword strategy
  6. We go beyond retro-active optimization
  7. We drive new testing with evolving data and insights
  8. We measure impact by contribution

Do you have a conversion problem?  Contact Big Footprint to speak to an expert.